Understand the Table Layout
Table Layout divides the space into rows and columns (and dividers) which can be a fixed pixel width/height or a proportion of the available space.
When you drop a control into a layout (or when you start to specify layout features for a control), a layout item is created to manage the control's positioning. The layout item has properties which define an imaginary rectangle inside which the control is positioned: Row, Column, Row Span and Column Span. The layout item's Sizing, Alignment, MarginXxx, and Flow properties position the control within the rectangle.
The Alignment property can put the control in one of nine possible positions, such as TopLeft, Center, BottomRight etc. Because the layout allows controls to occupy the same space, multiple controls with the same alignment will be shown on top of one another unless the Flow property is specified.
The Sizing property determines how big the control is. Controls can fit to the width and height of the rectangle, or simply appear as designed. If a row or column resizes, the control is also resized.
The Flow property is used to force controls to appear in sequence to the Left, Right, Top or Bottom of other controls in the same rectangle (cell) with the same Alignment and Flow. In this way you can have different groups of controls with different flows occupying the same cell. It is possible that a control will appear outside of its specified row and column due to Flow behaviour, but it will still size and align as though it was in the cell.
Except for the Flow property, the layout item's properties are independent of each other. This means that if you change the row and column span of a control to make it wider, the remaining controls will not be affected.