1.2.6 LANSA Application Architecture
LANSA's repository-based 4GL solution offers the benefits of a fully tiered program architecture while insulating the developer from the complexities of the deployment environment. A single 1.4 LANSA RDML program can generate multiple languages to execute on multiple platforms. The 1.3 LANSA Repository centralizes the core business information where it can be shared and reused, and easily moved from one database to another.
It is important to remember that when you build a LANSA application you have:
Platform Independent Application Architecture
- Your application can execute on multiple platforms because it is not written for a specific platform or operating system.
- You can execute applications in a single machine environment or you can easily deploy the same applications in a heterogeneous computing environment.
Centralized Application Definition
- Your data and business rules are stored once in a centralized repository so they are easily maintained.
- Using the repository, you can share and reuse key parts of your application logic and definitions.
Portable Database Architecture
- The repository makes LANSA applications independent of the database manager.
- The database application architecture is fully portable across multiple database managers.
- Stored procedures or trigger programs are written in a platform independent 4GL and do not have to be recoded when moved to new platforms.
Since LANSA is an integrated solution, you are dealing with just one product and one set of development skills to meet your multiplatform host and client/server development needs. It is important to understand that 1.2.7 LANSA is an Architecture.
Also See
1.2.4 Traditional Application Architecture