Work with the Collection Items
Individual items in the collection are accessed using a For/EndFor loop.
The click event of the Show button iterates through the collection referencing each entry in the collection by using a For/EndFor loop to retrieve the value of #GiveName and #Surname of the individual employees to a message box:
For Each(#Employee_GiveName) In(#Employee) Key(#Employee_SurName)
Use Builtin(MESSAGE_BOX_ADD) With_Args('Employee' #EMPLOYEE_GIVENAME.VALUE #EMPLOYEE_SURNAME.VALUE 'was found in the collection.')
In the above note that:
- The For/EndFor loop specifies a name for the Key (#Employee_SurName) to access the key of the current component each time the variable name (#Employee_GiveName) is referenced. In this way the value of the #Surname field can be retrieved to the message.