More Efficient Example

Visual LANSA

More Efficient Example

This program is functionally identical to the first example, but produces the same results in a much shorter time and with less use of computer resources. New or modified commands are indicated by ->.

     ********   Define work variables and browse list to be used
               (#ADDR ESS1)) COUNTER(#L1COUNT) PAGE_SIZE(#L1PAGE) 
                TOP_ENTRY(# L1TOP) SCROLL_TXT(#L1POS)
     ********   Loop until terminated by EXIT or CANCEL
     ********   Get surname to search for
     ********   Build list of generically identical names
     CLR_LIST   NAMED(#L1)
->   CHANGE     FIELD(#L1TOP) TO(1)
                WITH_KEY(#SURNAME) GENERIC(*YES) 
->              WHERE('#IO$KEY = UP') OPTIONS(*ENDWHERE)
     ********   If names found, display list to user
     IF         COND('#L1COUNT *GT 0')
     ********   else issue error indicating none found
     MESSAGE    MSGTXT('No employees have a surname matching 
     ********   Loop back and request next name to search for
     ********   Display names if page is full or list is complete
->   IF         COND('(#L1COUNT *NE 0) *AND 
                (#IO$KEY = UP) *AND 
                ((#L1POS = ''Bottom'') *OR 
                (#L1REMN *EQ 0.00000))')
->   DOUNTIL     COND('(#L1POS *NE ''Bottom'') *OR 
                (#IO$KEY *NE UP)')
->   CHANGE     FIELD(#L1TOP) TO('#L1TOP + #L1PAGE')
->   ENDIF


The "page at a time" technique described here can be applied to just about any situation where a browse list is to be displayed and can considerably improve performance in most of them.

It is easy to modify existing programs that use SELECT and DISPLAY (like the initial example here) to use the page at a time technique. Note how the new logic "slots into" the existing logic with no major structural change to the program logic/flow.

The easiest way to implement "page at a time" techniques is to design and fully test a standard "algorithm" that is suitable for your site's needs. This can then be used as a base or template for all future applications.

Ý 5.3.11 Page At a Time Scrolling (Forward Only)