5 4 7 Printing on Multiple Lines

Visual LANSA

5.4.7 Printing on Multiple Lines

All DEF_XXXXX commands allow the definition of print lines that span multiple print lines. For instance, to print a report heading like this:

Date printed : DD/MM/YY

Company      : XXXXXXXXXX



you can use three separate DEF_HEAD commands like this:





or just one DEF_HEAD command like this:


          (#DIV *L3 *C2))


Of these two methods, the last one is preferred because:

  • It is slightly more efficient, both during function definition and during function execution.
  • It is easier to use with the report design facility.

When setting up heading (DEF_HEAD) or foot (DEF_FOOT) lines you should use one and only one command to define all print lines where ever possible.

However, when setting up detail (DEF_LINE) or break (DEF_BREAK) lines there is one more consideration to be made in deciding whether to use one DEF_XXXXX command or more.

Consider a detail report that is to look like this:


 Customer                           Address




                            Postcode : 9999





                            Postcode : 9999





                            Postcode : 9999




These detail lines could be defined like this (row and column details have been omitted):



or like this:

                              (#CUSAD1 *L1 *C39 *COLHDG)
                              (#CUSAD2 *L2 *C39 *NOID  )
                              (#CUSAD3 *L3 *C39 *NOID  )
                              (#POSTCD *L4 *C39 *LABEL ))


These two methods of defining the detail portion of the report may produce slightly different results.

Since all the lines defined in one DEF_XXXXX command are considered to be part of the same "cluster" of lines they are always printed on the same page.

Thus, by using the first definition method (four separate commands) information about a customer may be "split" over two pages like this:





                              Postcode : 9999







  Customer               Address                        of page

                         XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX    2


                         Postcode : 9999





                         Postcode : 9999




If the second method was used (one command to define all four print lines), this would not happen. If all four print lines could not be fitted onto the page a new page would have been started.

The choice here depends upon whether or not the "split" is acceptable or even required for the report being designed.

Ý 5.4 Producing Reports Using LANSA