2.1.6 Open Model
Once you have developed an application with LANSA, you may wish to develop extensions to your LANSA-based applications using other PC-based development tools, or you may wish to integrate the data in your LANSA-based application with other applications in your organization. The Open Model supports this type of development and integration.
LANSA Open allows you to choose your PC-based development tool while safely accessing data on the server using LANSA's Repository. The LANSA Open middleware provides fast access to the LANSA Repository where your business rules and logic are consistently enforced. You can call LANSA Open from any tool that can call a DLL. For example, Visual Basic or Delphi developers could access data in your LANSA applications.
Using LANSA Integrator's Java services frameworks, you can easily integrate data between any applications using different formats on different servers. You can use XML or a variety of data formats for data exchange. LANSA Integrator's Java Service Manager supports B2B technologies such as SOAP, IBM MQ Series, XML Parsing, XSL Transformation, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and POP3. End-user data transfer tools such as the User Agent (which uses a HTTP protocol) enable data transfer using standard PC-based file formats while Java development tools such as Remote Function Invocation (RFI) simplify data transfer to the server.
The Open Model provide opportunities for inter-operability of your LANSA applications with other applications within your organization.
Also See