1.3.3 What Goes in LANSA Repository?
The LANSA Repository stores a vast range of information about a business application. Again, this information is stored in a non-platform specific format so that it can be used on multiple platforms. It stores information used to build and execute the application.
The LANSA Repository stores information about fields or elements in the application such as descriptions, column headings, edit codes, visualizations, default values, help text, prompt programs, etc. It acts like a data dictionary for your application. It also stores objects or components which can be used for Windows Optimized applications which are event-driven.
The LANSA Repository also stores information about the files or application database such as physical files, logical files, file relationships, file definition attributes, file validation rules, trigger programs, etc.
Further, the LANSA Repository stores procedural information or business rules about the application in the form of stored procedures, trigger functions, validation programs, system variables and more. LANSA's RDML is used for the business logic definition.
Finally, LANSA offers some special repository features such as multilingual definitions, virtual fields, predetermined join fields, and more.
Remember, once this information has been stored in the central repository, there is no need to repeat this information in any application program.
Also, the information in the LANSA Repository is reused and shared. Information can be reused by other products in the LANSA product family and by other applications and development tools. LANSA is an open architecture.
Also See