Add References to the LANSA Objects
1. Click
, and then .2. Select the COM tab, and then scroll down to the LANSA Components.
3. Select LANSA ACTIVEX LIB 1.0 and LANSA.<Component Name>.
' Add a global reference to a LANSA Session object interface
Private Session As LANSA_ACTIVEX_LIB.Isession
'Add a global reference to a VL Component interface
' Add code to initialize the session object and connect to LANSA.
Session = New LANSA_ACTIVEX_LIB.Session()
Session.ConfigFile = "./Session.cfg"
' Ask the Session to create the VL component.
MyComponent = Session.CreateComponent("MYCOMP")
Access the component's properties and methods as per any ActiveX control.
The application will disconnect from LANSA when the Session object is destroyed.
Ý 7.3.5 Syntax differences from Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic.NET