Field Name
Detail the behavior of the UsePicklist through the STD_NUM field.
PRIM_EVEF, PRIM_EVSE, PRIM_GDCL, PRIM_LVCL & PRIM_TVCL all have a property called UsePicklist. This property is a design-time only property. The purpose of this property is to specify whether the picklist of a field, once specifed, is to be used as part of the formatting for the relevant component.
Example: A PRIM_EVSE ( SpinEdit ) has been defined for a numeric field that also includes a Picklist. If the UsePicklist property is FALSE then when visualized the SpinEdit will work as normal through the range of allowable numbers. If UsePicklist=TRUE then the SpinEdit will cycle through the picklist values.
The primary purpose of this property is seen as a way to introduce Field Visualization concepts bit by bit to a large system. Older component can work as they always have with UsePicklist=FALSE whereas new components can have UsePicklist=TRUE to gain access to new functionality.
Through the field component source add the field source below. Save the field and then use the spinedit visualization on a form.
Field Source
Begin_Com Role(*Visual #PRIM_EVEF) Name(#VisualEdit) Height(19) Usepicklist(False) Width(262)
Begin_Com Role(*Visual #PRIM_EVSE) Name(#VisualSpinEdit) Defaultvisual(True) Height(19) Usepicklist(False) Width(262)
Begin_Com Role(*picklist) Name(#Picklist)
Define_Com Class(#PRIM_PKIT) Name(#Item_1) Caption('Item 1') Default(True) Parent(#Picklist) Value(1)
Define_Com Class(#PRIM_PKIT) Name(#Item_2) Caption('Item 2') Parent(#Picklist) Value(2)
Define_Com Class(#PRIM_PKIT) Name(#Item_3) Caption('Item 3') Parent(#Picklist) Value(3)
Define_Com Class(#PRIM_PKIT) Name(#Item_4) Caption('Item 4') Parent(#Picklist) Value(4)
Define_Com Class(#PRIM_PKIT) Name(#Item_5) Caption('Item 5') Parent(#Picklist) Value(5)
Form Source ( Behavior with UsePicklist=FALSE )
Function Options(*DIRECT)
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_FORM) Clientheight(108) Clientwidth(492) Height(135) Left(304) Top(155)
Define_Com Class(#STD_NUM.Visual) Name(#STD_NUM) Displayposition(1) Left(96) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(32)
Appearance ( Behavior with UsePicklist=FALSE )
Form Source ( Behavior with UsePicklist=TRUE )
Function Options(*DIRECT)
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_FORM) Clientheight(108) Clientwidth(492) Height(135) Left(304) Top(155)
Define_Com Class(#STD_NUM.Visual) Name(#STD_NUM) Displayposition(1) Left(96) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(32) Usepicklist(True)
Appearance ( Behavior with UsePicklist=TRUE )