2.1.2 LANSA Application Models
Once you have created an application with LANSA, the application can execute on a wide range of host platforms (IBM i, Windows, Linux, etc.). A LANSA application can execute as a Web-based application or as a Windows-based client/server application. These deployment options are all possible using a single set of LANSA application definitions. You might also choose to build specific applications with LANSA which are optimized for Windows or optimized for the Web.
Using the various products in the LANSA family, you can develop three styles or models of applications:
The Universal application is characterized by the fact that the same application can execute on multiple platforms (IBM i, Windows, etc.) and on the Web by simply recompiling the application definition.
Windows Optimized applications are highly graphical point -and-click type applications which will only execute in environments (such as Windows) which support the event-driven processing model. This type of application uses a repository-based component technology built with Visual LANSA.
Web Optimized applications are created specifically for the Internet deployment environment. This type of application may use specialized HTML, JavaScript, XML or XSL. They are designed for Internet devices and must cater for the "browser paradigm" which includes features like a Back key.