How Do I Represent a… ?
The following guidelines are meant to help you choose the right visualization style for various situations. They are not absolute.
Choice between two options
Notice how differently data and logic are represented:
Database Data (Fields)
Program Logic (Actions)
To record a Yes/No choice in the data base, make the field's visualization style Check box.
To record a choice of one of two values in the data base, make the field's visualization style Radio button.
To let the user choose from two actions, use two buttons.
Or use a menu.
Choice between several options
Again, notice how differently data and actions are shown:
Database Data (Fields)
Program Logic (Actions)
To record an user's choice of a value for a field, make the field's visualization style Picklist. The picklist's appearance can be:
A set of radio buttons in a frame
A list box
A drop down list
To let the user choose from several items or actions, use a list with a set of buttons
Or use a menu for several items:
Or for several actions:
Ý 6.32.1 Correct Use of Controls