Steps for Developing with a Repository
Following is an example of the steps which you might follow when developing an application using a Customer file.
Define Fields. The first step is to define the Customer fields to the repository. The field definitions can include descriptions, labels, defaults, help text, prompts, etc. This information will be used by the file definitions, RDML functions, etc.2
Define/Create Files. Once all of the Customer fields are defined, they can be used to create a file definition. The physical file and any logical files can be specified, along with file triggers, attributes, etc. Once defined, the actual file/table can be created in the DBMS by LANSA.3
Add Rules. Rules can be added at the field or file level in the repository. For example, a list of values rule can be added which checks that Customer Status is either 'O'-Open or 'C'-Closed.4
Define File Relationships. By defining relationships to other files in the repository, you are changing a group of files into a true application database. File relationship information can be used to help generate your application logic.5
Define Referential Integrity. Rules for referential integrity will ensure that your database is not corrupted. For example, you cannot delete a Customer if active orders exist in the Order file.6
Add Special Features. You might choose to add features such as virtual fields, batch control or predetermined join fields to the file. For example, virtual fields can be created to substring the Customer Name into First Name and Last Name.7
Make the File Operational. Finally, you will create an Object Access Module for the Customer file. The OAM will combine the above information which you have entered into the repository. If changes are made to fields, files or rules, a new OAM must be created.Also See