Add Items to the Collections
In order to add items to the collection, you need to first create the instances of the objects to be inserted:
Define_Com Class(#Deptment) Name(#Department_Item)
Define_Com Class(#Salary) Name(#Salary_Item)
Define_Com Class(#PostCode) Name(#PostCode_Item)
After the objects have been created, their value is set and they are added to the collections using the Insert method:
Set Com(#Department_Item) Value(#Deptment)
Invoke Method(#Department_Array.Insert) Item(#Department_Item)
Set Com(#Salary_Item) Value(#Salary)
Invoke Method(#Salary_Array.Insert) Item(#Salary_Item)
Set Com(#PostCode_Item) Value(#PostCode)
Invoke Method(#PostCode_Array.Insert) Item(#PostCode_Item)