4.2.5 Steps for Completing a Database in LANSA
The basic development steps to manually build your LANSA application database are as follows:
1. Create a file definition.
2. Add the real fields to the file and identify key fields. Refer to 4.2.4 Adding Real Fields to a File.
3. Create logical views. Refer to 4.3 Logical View Development.
4. Add virtual fields to the file. Refer to 4.4 Virtual Field Development.
5. Add validation rules and triggers. Refer to 4.5 File Rules & Triggers Development.
6. Create access routes to other files in the database. Refer to 4.6 Access Route Development.
7. Add Predetermined Joined Fields. Refer to 4.7 Predetermined Join Field Development.
8. Make file operational. Refer to 4.9 Compiling Files.
If you have modeled a database or loaded other files to define a group of file, you will complete the following steps to complete the database:
1. Create additional logical views if required. Refer to 4.3 Logical View Development.
2. Add virtual fields. Refer to 4.4 Virtual Field Development.
3. Add validation rules and triggers. Refer to 4.5 File Rules & Triggers Development.
4. Create access routes to other files in the database. Refer to 4.6 Access Route Development.
5. Add Predetermined Joined Fields. Refer to 4.7 Predetermined Join Field Development.
6. Make files operational. Refer to 4.9 Compiling Files.
If you are deploying your database to another platform, you should review the 4.2.6 File Definition Attributes.