On/Off delay

FluidSIM 4 Hydraulics

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On/Off delay


An output with on/off delay is switched on after a specified time and is reset on expiration of a second specified time.

As soon as the status at input Trg changes from “Lo” to “Hi”, the configured on delay time starts. If the status at input Trg remains “Hi” at least for the duration of the configured time, the output Q is set to “Hi” on expiration of the on delay time (the output follows the input on delayed). If the status at input Trg changes again to “Lo”, before the configured on delay time has expired, the time is reset. When the status at input returns to “Lo”, the configured off delay time starts.

If the status at the input remains “Lo” at least for the duration of the configured off delay time, the output is set to “Lo” on expiration of that time (the output follows the input off delayed). If the status at the input returns to “Hi” before this time has expired, the time is reset.

Adjustable parameters

               On delay time:         0 ... 100 s            (3)

               Off delay time:         0 ... 100 s            (3)

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