Linking GRAFCET variables with the electrical part of FluidSIM
The GRAFCET I/O component is used to link the GRAFCET variables with the electrical part of FluidSIM.
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In the GRAFCET I/O component, you can specify GRAFCET variables to be used as inputs or outputs. The actions' variables serve as outputs. The inputs can be the conditions of actions and transitions.
If a potential is created as the input of the GRAFCET I/O component, the corresponding variable is set to “1”. If an output variable has a value other than “0”, an electric potential (24V) is present at the corresponding output of the GRAFCET I/O component.
The following simple example illustrates the use of the GRAFCET I/O component.
In the GRAFCET I/O component's properties dialogue, “E1” is specified as the input and “A1” as the output. As soon as the electrical switch is closed, there is a potential at the input of “E1”; this potential causes the GRAFCET variable “E1” to change its value from “0” to “1”. As a consequence of this, the condition in the action becomes true (“1”) and the value of variable “A1” is set to “1”. This in turn leads to a potential being created at the output of “A1” and the indicator light lights up.
As soon as the switch is opened again, the following situation arises:
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Access to labels of fluidic and electrical components