
FluidSIM 4 Hydraulics

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Undo                                          Alt+Backspace         

Undoes the last edit step. Up to 128 previous editing steps, which have been stored, can be made undone.

Redo                                          Alt+Shift+Backspace

Withdraws the last action performed by Edit- Undo. The function can be used up until there are no more undo steps to be redone.

Cut                                             Shift+Del                  

Cuts the selected components and saves them to the clipboard.

Copy                                          Ctrl+Ins                    

Copies the selected components to the clipboard. In this way circuit diagrams and parts of diagrams can be inserted easily as vector graphics, for example into word-processing applications.

Paste                                         Shift+Ins                  

Inserts components from the clipboard onto the drawing area of the current circuit diagram.

Delete                                        Del

Deletes the selected components from the circuit diagram.

If a connection is selected and deleted, a possibly connected line or fitted blind plug is deleted. However, the component is not deleted.

Select All                                   Ctrl+A

Selects all components and lines of the current circuit diagram.

Group                                        Ctrl+G

Groups the selected objects. Groups can be nested by applying the grouping operation recursively on already existing groups.


Ungroups the selected groups. Each ungroup operation removes only the outermost group when applied to a selection that contains nested groups.


Aligns the selected objects.


Rotates the marked components by 90º, 180º or 270º.

If only one component is to be rotated (counterclockwise), this action is accomplished by holding down the Ctrl key and double clicking on the component. If additionally the Shift key is held down, rotation happens in a clockwise fashion.


Mirrors the marked components horizontally or vertically.


Opens a dialog box that contains the parameters for a single, selected component. This dialog box will also contain an input field for a label name, as long as a label can be assigned to the component.

If a fluidic line is selected, a dialog box will appear in which you can change the line type from the standard line type, “Main Line”, to the special line type “Control Line”. Note that—aside from a different appearance—changing line type has no impact respecting simulation.

If a fluidic connection is selected, a dialog box will appear containing input fields for the selected connection. The input fields define which of the quantities are to be displayed and, in the case of a hydraulic connection, if the connection is fitted with a blind plug or a muffler.

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