Opening and Saving Files
The circuit diagram has
been changed. Save current changes?
You want to close a circuit diagram window or quit FluidSIM. Since the last save, changes have been made to the current circuit diagram.
The file
already exists.
A circuit diagram with the name name.ct already exists on the hard disk. To save the current circuit diagram, you must either change the file name, or the already existing file will be replaced with the new circuit diagram.
Cannot save DXF
The file (either the current circuit diagram or the component library) cannot be saved due to insufficient disk space or a write-protected disk.
Unknown file
The file cannot be opened since its format is not supported by FluidSIM.
Cannot open file
FluidSIM cannot open the file because Microsoft Windows © refuses access to the file. Either the file does not exist or is locked by another application.
'abc' does not exist.
You have tried to open a file that does not exist. However, the file can be opened as a new file.
The file
can not be
You have tried to delete a file that does not exist or is write-protected.
Circuit 'abc' is already opened.
Close this window
You want to save a circuit diagram under another name. There is, however, already another open window with this name. If you close this window, the file will be replaced.