Opens a new window to create a circuit diagram. The default name for the new circuit diagram is noname.ct. If a circuit with this name already exists, a number is appended to the title noname to create a unique file name.
Opens the File Selector dialog box, which allows you to select and open a circuit diagram.
Close Ctrl+W
Closes the active window. Provided the window content has not been saved, a corresponding request will be prompted.
Saves the current circuit diagram. The circuit diagram window remains open.
Save As...
Opens the File Selector dialog box, and you can save the current circuit under a different name. This name appears in the title bar of the circuit diagram window and becomes the new name for the circuit.
Opens the circuit diagram preview windows. Double clicking on a miniature circuit diagram will load the circuit. Circuit diagrams can be selected and deleted in the preview window. When saving circuit diagrams, the preview window is automatically updated.
In the fluidsim directory, subdirectories can be created for the saving of circuit diagrams. FluidSIM recognizes all circuit diagram directories and generates appropriate circuit diagram preview windows.
TIFF Export...
The file selection box will open; the graphic information of the present circuit can be converted and saved to the TIFF format. If no new name is entered for the TIFF file, it will be saved using the circuit description and the file extension .tif.
The TIFF export filter is useful to provide the graphic circuit information as a picture file for the use in other applications.
DXF Export...
Opens the File Selector dialog box, and you can then export the current circuit diagram in the DXF format. If no new name is given for the DXF file, then it is saved under the circuit diagram name with the file extension .dxf.
The DXF export filter allows the graphic information from the circuit diagram to be exported to other CAD systems.
Parts list Export...
The file selector box is opened; the contents of the selected parts list is saved as a text file.
When file name has been specified, another dialog box opens where a character can be declared as column separator.
Opens a dialog box where the circuit properties can be defined.
Drawing Size...
Opens a dialog box where the paper size can be defined.
Opens the Print Preview dialog box, which allows you to print the current circuit diagram with an optional scaling factor.
Previously Opened Files
Displays a list with the eight previously opened files. When selecting one entry of this list the associated file is opened. The list is sorted: The most recently opened file forms the topmost entry.
Exit Alt+F4
Quits FluidSIM.