Special Features of the Quantity Display

FluidSIM 4 Hydraulics

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Special Features of the Quantity Display

Vector quantities are characterized by an absolute value along with a direction. To indicate the direction within a circuit diagram the signs “+” (into or toward a component) and “–” (out of or away from a component) are used. An arrow may also be used to display direction. FluidSIM uses both representations:

Direction indicators in FluidSIM


Direction indicator


Sign, arrow








The arrow as a direction of flow indicator can be turned on or off by clicking under View- Display Flow Direction. The arrow for the direction of flow will be shown clear the component connection, that is, as long as the flow is other than zero.

If the total value of a quantity is extremely near to zero (< 0.0001), no numerical value will be displayed. Rather, the symbol “> 0” for a small positive value or “< 0” for a small negative value is shown.

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