The functions of the View menu are circuit diagram specific, that is, they only apply to the current circuit diagram. Thus it is possible to apply individually different display options to each circuit diagram, which is loaded.
Folder View
Shows the content of the active component library or of the active circuit diagram overview using the folder view instead of the tree view.
Sort Symbols Alphabetically
Sorts the symbols of the current preview window with respect to their description and extension respectively.
Displays the circuit diagram without enlargement or reduction.
Switches between the last view and the current enlargement of the current circuit diagram.
Fit to
Sets the scale factor so that the entire circuit diagram can be displayed in the window. The proportion between height and width remains unaltered.
Zoom by Rubber
Changes the mouse cursor to a rubber band, allowing a section of a window to be selected and then enlarged.
Enlarges the diagram at a factor of 1.4 (Ö2). To repeat this action twice means a doubling in the diagram's size.
Reduces the diagram at a factor of 1.4 (Ö2). To repeat this action twice means a cutting in half of the diagram's size.
Quantity Values... A
Opens a dialog box for the display of quantities. For each of the quantities “Velocity”, “Pressure”, ..., different types of display options can be defined (“None”, “Particular”, “All”).
Opens a dialog box with settings for the display of formulas and descriptions in GRAFCET components. If the option “Use settings of individual elements” is chosen, all formulas and descriptions are shown as transitions and actions according to the individual component settings, which is defined under “Display description instead of formula”. If the option “Description, if available” is chosen, descriptions are shown in place of their related formulas. If the option “Always show formula” is chosen, formulas are shown even if a description exists as well.
Display Flow Direction D
Turns on or off the arrow as a direction of flow indicator. The arrow for the direction of flow will be shown near the component connection, that is, as long as the flow is other than zero.
Display counter values and delay times T
Displays or hides the current values of components with counting and delay behavior.
Display current path numbering and switching elements table N
Displays or hides the current path numbering and the switching elements table in electrical circuits.
Show Connection Descriptors C
Enables or disables the display of the component's connection descriptors.
Opens a dialog box for the label display style. It can be defined whether or not the labels are drawn framed.
Display Grid G
Activates the background grid, according to the set style. The style of the grid can be chosen under Options- Grid....
Opens a dialog box for renaming and activating the FluidSIM drawing layers. For drawing object that cannot be simulated, such as texts, DXF imports, rectangles, circles, state diagrams, or parts lists, up to eight drawing layers are provided. The FluidSIM components that can be simulated live always on the drawing layer number one.
Large Mouse Cursor M
Activates or deactivates the large mouse cursor.
Displays or hides the toolbar.
Status Bar
Displays or hides the status bar.