Undoing Editing Steps

FluidSIM 4 Hydraulics

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Undoing Editing Steps

By clicking on  or Edit- Undo and with Edit- Redo, each step given in the Edit Mode can be undone in the following manner:

By clicking on  (Edit- Undo), the last editing step that was taken is undone. FluidSIM recalls the last 128 editing steps, which can be undone.

The function Edit- Redoserves as a way to “withdraw the last undone step”. When using  to undo an editing step, you may go to far. By clicking under Edit- Redo, the circuit is returned to its original state before undo  was initiated. The function Edit- Redo can be invoked until there are no more undo steps to be redone.

The function Edit- Undoapplies to all possible editing steps in the Edit Mode.

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