[79] Circuit diagram: 2-way pressure regulator
It is appropriate to use
PRVs only when different pressures are required in an
installation. The mod of operation of pressure regulator will
thus be explained here by taking an example with two control
circuits. The first control circuit acts via a flow control valve
on a hydraulic motor which drives a roller. This roller is used
to stick together multi-layered printed circuit boards. The
second control circuit acts on a hydraulic cylinder which draws
the roller towards the boards at an adjustable reduced
This example can be used as a preliminary stage to the introduction of the 3-way PR. If the 2-way PR is closed due to the fact that the preset maximum pressure has been reached, thickening of the material of the workpieces would cause an increase in the pressure on the outlet side of the PR to a higher value than desired. (See also the animation for topic 84.)