Pallet Toolbar


Pallet Toolbar

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The Pallet toolbar contains the following functions for selecting and creating elements in the diagram.

Common Pallet Tool

The following functions are always available in the Pallet toolbar regardless of the diagram types.



ch11.h95 Select

The most basic tool that selects, moves or resizes an element in the diagram.

ch11.h96 Note

Creates a note element in the current diagram.

ch11.h97 Note Link

Links a note in the current diagram to another element.

ch11.h98 Text

Creates a string element in the current diagram.

ch11.h99 Rectangle

Create a figure of  rectangle in the current diagram.

ch11.h100 Ellipse

Creates a figure of  ellipse in the current diagram.

ch11.h101 Rounded Rectangle

Creates a figure of  rounded rectangle in the current diagram.

Pallet Tool by Diagram Types

The following functions create elements by diagram types.




ch11.h95 Select

The most basic tool that selects, moves or resizes an element in the diagram.

All diagrams

ch11.h102 Subsystem

Creates a subsystem element in the current diagram.

Class Diagram

ch11.h103 Package

Creates a package element in the current diagram..

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram

ch11.h104 Class

Creates a class element in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Composite Diagram

ch11.h105 Interface

Creates an interface element in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Composite Diagram

ch11.h106 Enumeration

Creates an enumeration element in the current diagram.

Class Diagram

ch11.h107 Signal

Creates a signal element in the current diagram.

Class Diagram

ch11.h108 Except

Creates an exception element in the current diagram.

Class Diagram

ch11.h109 Component

Creates a component element in the current diagram.

Component Diagram

ch11.h110 ComponentInstance

Creates a component instance element in the current diagram.

Component Diagram

ch11.h111 Node

Creates a node element in the current diagram.

Deployment Diagram

ch11.h112 NodeInstance

Creates a node instance element in the current diagram.

Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram

ch11.h113 Artifact

Creates a artifact in the current diagram.

UseCase Diagram

ch11.h114 UseCase

Creates a usecase element in the current diagram.

UseCase Diagram

ch11.h115 Actor

Creates an actor element in the current diagram.

UseCase Diagram

ch11.h116 SystemBoundary

Creates an system boundary in the current diagram.

UseCase Diagram

ch11.h117 Object

Creates an object element in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

ch11.h118 Part

Creates a  Part element with a Classifier in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Composite Diagram

ch11.h119 Port

Creates a  Port element with a Classifier in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Composite Diagram

ch11.h120 ClassifierRole

Creates a ClassifierRole element in the current diagram.

Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h121 Combined Fragment

Creates a Combined Fragment element in the current diagram.

Sequence Diagram, Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h122 Interaction Operand

Creates a  Interaction Operand element with a Combined Fragment in the current diagram.

Sequence Diagram, Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h123 Frame

Creates a Frame element in the current diagram

Sequence Diagram, Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h124 CompositeState

Creates a CompositeState element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram

ch11.h125 SubmachineState

Creates a SubmachineState element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram

ch11.h126 InitialState

Creates an InitialState (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

ch11.h127 FinalState

Creates a FinalState element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

ch11.h128 Flow Final

Creates a DeepHistory(FlowFinalState) element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

ch11.h129 ChoicePoint

Creates a Choice (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram

ch11.h130 JunctionPoint

Creates a Junction (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram

ch11.h131 ShallowHistory

Creates a ShallowHistory (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram

ch11.h132 DeepHistory

Creates a DeepHistory (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram

ch11.h133 Synchronization

Creates a Synchronization (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

ch11.h134 ActionState

Creates an ActionState element in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h135 SubactivityState

Creates a Subactivity State element in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h136 Decision

Creates a Decision (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h137 ObjectFlow

Creates a ObjectFlowState element in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h138 Signal Accept State

Creates a SignalAcceptState element in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h139 Signal Send State

Creates a SignalSendState element in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h140 Swimlane(Vertical)

Creates a Swimlane by vertical solid lines in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h141 Swimlane(Horizontal)

Creates a Swimlane by horizontal solid lines in the current diagram.

Activity Diagram

ch11.h142 Association

Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram

ch11.h143 DirectedAssociation

Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram

ch11.h144 Aggregation

Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

Class Diagram

ch11.h145 Composition

Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

Class Diagram

ch11.h146 Generalization

Links a generalized element and a specialized element with a generalization relation in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, UseCase Diagram

ch11.h147 Dependency

Links two elements with a dependency relation in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram, Composite Diagram

ch11.h148 Realization

Links a specification element and its implementation element with a realization relation in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Composite Diagram

ch11.h149 AssociationClass

Links a class and an association in the current diagram so that the association itself can have the significance of a class.

Class Diagram

ch11.h150 Include

Links two UseCases with an Include relation in the current diagram so that one UseCase includes the other UseCase behaviors.

UseCase Diagram

ch11.h151 Extend

Links two UseCases with an Extend relation in the current diagram so that one UseCase can be extended with the behaviors defined in the other UseCase.

UseCase Diagram

ch11.h152 AssociationRole

Links two roles with an AssociationRole in the current diagram.

Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h153 SelfAssociationRole

Creates an AssociationRole from one role to the same role in the current diagram.

Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h154 Link

Links two objects in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

ch11.h155 SelfLink

Links an object with itself in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

ch11.h156 ForwardMessage

Defines a message between two roles in the current diagram.

Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h157 ReverseMessage

Defines a message between two roles in the current diagram.

Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h158 SelfMessage

Creates a message from a role to the same role in the current diagram.

Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

ch11.h159 ForwardStimulus

Defines a stimulus between two objects in the current diagram.

Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

ch11.h160 ReverseStimulus

Defines a stimulus between two objects in the current diagram.

Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

ch11.h161 SelfStimulus

Creates a stimulus from an object to the same object in the current diagram.

Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

ch11.h162 Transition

Links a source state and a target state with a transition in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

ch11.h163 SelfTransition

Links an original state and a target state with a transition in the current diagram.

Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

ch11.h164 Connector

Links a original feature and a target feature with a connector in the current diagram.

Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Composite Diagram