Creating Element by using ShortCut Generation Syntax


Creating Element by using ShortCut Generation Syntax

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Elements can also be created without being mouse by using the shortcut Generation Syntax.

Procedure creating element by using the ShortCut Generation Syntax:

1.Select from the diagram area the view.
2.Run Quick Dialog as selecting [Enter].
3.Enter a syntax that is element in the quick dialog.

ShortCut Generation Syntax

Shortcut generation syntax can generate a target model and relationship with it by writing simple text. The basic rule of the shortcut generation syntax is as follows. Describe the target model names to make a relationship with notations to generate relationship. If there is no target model name, generate new appropriate model elements and the relationship. The relationship-notation of shortcut generation syntax to be used in each diagram is as follows:

Diagram Type


Current Element


Class Diagram

Component Diagram

Deployment Diagram

Composite Structure Diagram




The target element linking with the current element makes a link of specialization.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of generalization.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of association.



Makes navigable association relationship from target element to the current element.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of navigable association.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of aggregate.



Makes aggregate relationship from target element to the current element.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of compose.



Makes compose relationship from target element to the current element.



Makes dependency relationship from target element to the current element.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of dependency.



Makes requirement relationship from target element to the current element.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of requirement.



Makes realization relationship from target element to the current element.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of realization.

Usecase Diagram



The target model(Actor) linking with the current element makes a link of communication.



The target model(UseCase) linking with the current element makes a link of communication.



Makes include relationship from target element to the current element.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of include.



Makes include relationship from target element to the current extend.



The target element linking with the current element makes a link of extend.

Sequence Diagram

Seqeunce Diagram(Role)


Object, ClassifierRole

The target element linking with the current element makes a link of stimulus.


Object, ClassifierRole

Makes include relationship from target element to the current stimulus.


Object, ClassifierRole

Makes stimulus that has a return relationship from target element to the current element.


Stimulus, Message

Makes sub-stimulus(comes from target element) in current stimulus.


Stimulus, Message

Makes sub-stimulus(goes from target element) in current stimulus.


Stimulus, Message

Makes sub-stimulus(with return goes from target element) in current stimulus.


Stimulus, Message

Makes stimulus(comes from target element) in front of current stimulus.


Stimulus, Message

Makes stimulus(goes from target element) in front of current stimulus.


Stimulus, Message

Makes stimulus(comes from target element) in the rear of current stimulus.


Stimulus, Message

Makes stimulus(goes from target element) in the rear of current stimulus.

Collaboration Diagram

Collaboration Diagram(Role)


Object, ClassifierRole

The target element linking with the current element makes a link of stimulus.


Object, ClassifierRole

Makes stimulus relationship from target element to the current element.


Object, ClassifierRole

Makes stimulus that has a return relationship from target element to the current element.

Statechart Diagram/

Activity Diagram


State, ActionState

Makes transition relationship from target element to the current element.


State, ActionState

The target element linking with the current element makes a link of transition.


State, ActionState

Makes transition relationship from target element(Initial State) to the current element.


State, ActionState

The target element(Final State) linking with the current element makes a link of transition.


State, ActionState

Makes transition relationship from target element(Decision) to the current element.


State, ActionState

The target element(Decision) linking with the current element makes a link of transition.

-(H) -(h)

State, ActionState

The target element(History) linking with the current element makes a link of transition.

-(H*) -(h*)

State, ActionState

The target element(Deep History) linking with the current element makes a link of transition.


State, ActionState

Makes transition relationship from target element to the current element(with Join).


State, ActionState

The target element(with Fork) linking with the current element makes a link of transition.