Format Menu


Format Menu

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The Format menu contains the following menu items.

Menu Item


ch11.h13 Font

Specifies the font for the selected view elements.

ch11.h14 Line Color

Specifies the line color for the selected view elements.

ch11.h15 Fill Color

Specifies the fill color for the selected view elements.

ch11.h16 Line Style->Rectilinear[Ctrl+L]

Specifies the line style of the selected connection view element as rectilinear.

ch11.h16 Line Style->Oblique[Ctrl+B]

Specifies the line style of the selected connection view element as oblique.

ch11.h17 Stereotype Display->None[Shift+Ctrl+N]

Shows nothing for the stereotype of the selected view elements.

ch11.h17 Stereotype Display->Textual[Shift+Ctrl+T]

Shows the stereotype of the selected view elements with text.

ch11.h17 Stereotype Display->Iconic[Shift+Ctrl+I]

Shows the stereotype of the selected view elements with icons.

ch11.h17 Stereotype Display->Decoration[Shift+Ctrl+E]

Shows the stereotype of the selected view elements with decoration.

ch11.h18 Suppress Attributes[Shift+Ctrl+A]

Suppresses the section that displays the attributes for the selected view elements (e.g. class, usecase, etc.).

ch11.h19 Suppress Operations[Shift+Ctrl+O]

Suppresses the section that displays the operations for the selected view elements (e.g. class, subsystem, etc.).

ch11.h20 Suppress Literals[Shift+Ctrl+L]

Suppresses the section that displays the attributes for the selected enumerations.

ch11.h21 Word Wrap Name

Shows the Word Wrap of the selected view elements.

ch11.h322 Show Parent Name

Shows the parent name of the selected view elements.

ch11.h23 Show Operation Signature

Shows the operation signature of the selected view elements (e.g. class, subsystem, etc.).

ch11.h323 Show Properties

Shows the property items (e.g. tagged values, changeability attribute, etc.) included in view elements.

ch11.h221 Show Compartment Visibility

Shows the visibility of the compartments of the selected view elements (e.g. attribute compartment, operation compartment, etc.).

ch11.h324 Show Compartment Stereotype

Shows the stereotypes of the compartments of the selected view elements (e.g. attribute compartment, operation compartment, etc.).

ch11.h222 Auto Resize

Automatically resizes the selected view elements.

Alignment->ch11.h325 Bring to Front

Brings the selected elements to front.

Alignment->ch11.h326 Send to Back

Sends the selected elements to back.

Alignment->ch11.h327 Align Left

Aligns the selected elements to left.

Alignment->ch11.h328 Align Right

Aligns the selected elements to right.

Alignment->ch11.h329 Align Middle

Centers the selected elements horizontally.

Alignment->ch11.h330 Align Top

Aligns the selected elements to top.

Alignment->ch11.h331 Align Bottom

Aligns the selected elements to bottom.

Alignment->ch11.h332 Align Center

Centers the selected elements vertically.

Alignment->ch11.h333 Space Equally, Horizontally

Evenly distributes the selected elements horizontally.

Alignment->ch11.h334 Space Equally, Vertically

Evenly distributes the selected elements vertically.

ch11.h335 Layout Diagram

Lays out the view elements in the current diagram.