Configuring Property


Configuring Property

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Model elements contain various properties. The user can change models in various ways by editing these property values. The following properties are available.

Property Types

Property Type



Indicates the name of the model element.


Indicates the stereotype for the model element.


Indicates the expression for special type.


Indicates string.


Indicates True or False.


Selects one of the various literals.


Indicates a specific element.


Indicates multiple elements (editable through the collection editor).

Editing the Name Property

Enter the element name in the Name item in the property editor. Names cannot contain these special characters ":". Names must also be unique within the namespace. For example, names of the classes within a package must all be unique. A warning message will appear if the name conflicts with another element.

Editing the Stereotype Property

Enter the stereotype name in the Stereotype item in the property editor. The stereotype name can be a stereotype defined in the UML profile or can be a simple name that is not pre-defined. The following methods can be used to edit the stereotype property.

·Entering Defined Stereotype: Enter a stereotype name that is defined in a profile included in the current project. The stereotype is directly referenced.
·Entering Undefined Stereotype: Enter a stereotype name that is not defined in the profiles included in the current project. This value is just a simple string value.
·Selecting from the Stereotype Dialog Box: Open the Stereotype dialog box and select a stereotype from the defined stereotype list.

Editing the TypeExpression Property

The TypeExpression property is included in Attribute, Parameter, etc. Enter the type expression in the Type item in the property editor. The following methods can be used to edit the type expression property.

·Entering Defined Type Name: Enter the name of a classifier element (classes, interfaces, signals, exceptions, components, nodes, subsystems, etc.) included in the current project. Elements are directly referenced.
·Entering Defined Type Pathname: Directly enter the pathname of a classifier element included in the current project (e.g. ::Logical View::Package1::Class1)
·Entering Undefined Type Name: Enter a name that is not related to any of the classifiers included in the current project. This value is just a simple string value.
·Selecting from the Select Element Dialog Box: Open the Select Element dialog box and directly select a defined type or select a data type defined in the profile.