Receipt Entry -- Overview

Sage ERP Accpac Purchase Orders 6.0

image\field_bt.gifReceipt Entry — Overview

Use this Form to:

  • Enter receipts of goods into Purchase Orders—for inventory or non-inventory items.

  • Edit existing receipts.

  • Enter or change the vendor address information.

  • Enter additional costs for receipts (from primary or secondary vendors).

  • Invoice receipts and additional costs.

  • Identify items as fixed assets for management by the Sage Fixed Assets (FAS) module.

  • Specify drop-ship addresses for receipt details.

  • Check and edit tax distributions by detail line and for the primary and secondary vendors.

  • Import and export receipts.

  • Assign serial numbers to serialized items (if you have the Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking license installed as part of Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control).

  • Assign lot numbers to lotted items (if you have the Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking license installed as part of Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control).

Note: If users do not have the "Show Receipt Costing Information" security right, they will not be able to view item unit cost information on receipts.

All cost amounts will be hidden — including totals, taxes, discounts, and additional cost amounts. (In other words, the Taxes tab, Additional Costs tab, and Totals tab will not appear on the Receipt Entry form for users who do not have this right.)

Integration with Sage Fixed Assets (FAS)

If you use Sage Fixed Assets system (FAS) to manage the fixed assets in your company, you can also mark received goods as fixed assets, and choose the FAS template that you want to use for the new asset. Sage Accpac ERP will transfer the asset information to FAS when you run Create Assets in the FAS Integration module.

Before you enter receipts you need to:

  1. Set up the following Purchase Orders records:

  2. Additional cost codes

  3. Optional fields (if you use them)

  4. Ship-via codes

  5. Templates

  1. Set up related records in other Sage Accpac programs.

    • Terms codes in Accounts Payable.

    • Vendor records in Accounts Payable.

    • Optional fields in Inventory Control, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger

    • Tax records in Common Services.

    • Currency records (multicurrency ledgers) in Common Services.

    • Item, price list, location, account set, and category records in Inventory Control.

    • Contacts in Project and Job Costing.

  2. Choose options for receipts on the Options form.

    • Edit or verify the lengths, prefixes, and numbers you want the program to assign to receipts, if you want the numbers assigned automatically.

    • Select the options to use when processing receipts.

    • Select a default template code (optional).

For more information about the Receipt Entry form, click the links below for help on using the corresponding tabs:




Additional Costs

Optional Fields



To find out about additional forms you can open from Receipt Entry, choose from the following:

  • Use the Post button to post the receipt. Note that you cannot edit receipts after posting them.

  • Use the Calculate Taxes button to recalculate tax amounts after you change the Tax Class or Tax Included field. (Tax amounts are not automatically calculated until you choose Post for the invoice or select the Totals tab.)

  • Use the Receive All button to add to the Receipt Entry form all the detail lines from the specified purchase orders. If working with serialized/lotted items, however, you cannot use the receive all button as you will need to assign serial/lot numbers manually.

  • Use the Close button to close the Receipt Entry form.

For help on particular tasks, choose from the following topics:

Click these icons or links for information about using the following buttons:


Navigation buttons

image\ebx_693517794.gifor image\ebx_-1684461220.gif

New button

Click the Fields List button at the top of this help page for information about fields and tabs.

See also