What's New in Purchase Orders 6.0
Purchase Orders version 6.0 supports changes to Common Services' Fiscal Calendar.
Fiscal periods are now locked separately for each Sage ERP Accpac program, including Purchase Orders. Although this change does not affect the way you enter transactions, you should note the following points:
The program checks the status of a fiscal period when you enter certain dates in Purchase Orders documents.
Day End Processing is not affected by locked fiscal periods.
Day End Processing creates transactions for General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Project and Job Costing (depending on your system and settings) and updates costs, as usual. However, if a fiscal period is locked for a ledger receiving the resulting transactions, the transactions can fail to post in the other ledger.
Upgrading from an Earlier Version?
If you are upgrading from version 5.5, see Features Added in Purchase Orders 5.6.
If you are upgrading from version 5.4, also see Features Added in Purchase Orders 5.5.
If you are upgrading from version 5.3, also see Features Added in Purchase Orders 5.4.