Change Tax Information and Tax Amounts on Purchase Orders Documents
To change tax amounts for purchase orders, receipts, invoices, returns, or credit/debit notes, you can:
Change the tax groups and tax classes for the vendor.
Change the tax class for any of the detail lines.
Directly change the tax amounts for the whole document.
To change the total tax amount for a document:
Click the Taxes tab on the Purchase Orders, Receipt Entry, Invoice Entry, Return Entry, or Credit/Debit Note Entry form.
Edit the Vendor tax class if necessary, and then click the Calc. Taxes button to see the results of the change.
To manually change the total tax amount for the vendor, enter new tax totals in the Tax Amount column.
Purchase Orders will distribute the updated tax amounts when you move to another tab or post the transaction.
To change tax information for single items:
Click the Item/Tax... button on the first tab of the Purchase Orders, Receipt Entry, Invoice Entry, Return Entry, or Credit/Debit Note Entry form.
Change the tax class for an authority, or the tax included option, if necessary.
You cannot change the Tax Included setting unless the tax authority allows it. (Tax authorities are defined in Tax Services.)
The tax amount will not be automatically recalculated until you close this window and move to another document tab.
The tax amount will not be recalculated if you overrode the total tax amount on the Taxes tab. If you want to recalculate the tax, you will have to use then Calc. Taxes button on the Order tab, the Taxes tab, or on the Detail Item/Taxes window.
To change tax amounts for additional costs:
Click the Additional Costs tab, and then click the Vendor Taxes button.
Edit the tax class if necessary, then click the Calc. Taxes button to see the results of the change.
To manually change the total tax amount for the vendor's additional changes, enter new tax totals in the Tax Amount column.
Purchase Orders will distribute the updated tax amounts to the additional charges when you move to another tab or post the transaction.
To change tax information for a single additional cost detail:
Click the Additional Costs tab, and then click the Cost/Tax... button to display the Detail Costs/Taxes form.
Change the detail tax class for a tax authority, or the tax included option, if necessary.
You cannot change the Tax Included setting unless the tax authority allows it. (Tax authorities are defined in Tax Services.)
The tax amount will not be automatically recalculated until you close this window and move to another document tab.
The tax amount will not be recalculated if you overrode the total tax amount on the Vendor Taxes form. If you want to recalculate the tax, you will have to use the Calc. Taxes button on the Detail Costs/Taxes form or on the Additional Costs tab.