Statistics Form
Use this form to:
Enter purchase statistics from your previous purchase order system when setting up Sage ERP Accpac Purchase Orders, or edit existing statistics.
Review, add, or edit the number of purchase orders, receipts, invoices, credit notes, and debit notes posted in your Purchase Orders system for the year and period you specify.
Review, add, or edit the net quantity purchased, and net purchase and net invoice amounts that were posted in your Purchase Orders system during the year and period you specify.
Purchase Orders can keep purchase statistics from your posted purchase orders, invoices, receipts, credit notes, and debit notes. You can review the statistics as far back as the oldest year and period for which you keep this information by printing the Purchase Statistics report.
Click these icons for information about the buttons in the Purchase Statistics form:
Before adding or editing purchase statistics
Select the options to Accumulate Statistics and Allow Edit Of Statistics in the Options form.
Select the type of year and period to accumulate statistics by in the Options form.
Click the Add button to add a set of statistics you have just entered.
Click the Save button to save the changes you made to the selected statistics.
Click the Delete button to delete the set of statistics that are displayed.
For help on particular tasks, choose one of the following topics:
See also
Accumulating purchasing history and statistics for reporting