Entry Form — Overview
This form lets you:
Enter requisitions for purchases you plan to make and for which you may need approval before you can create purchase orders.
Edit or delete requisitions you posted previously.
Print requisitions.
Import requisitions from other Sage ERP Accpac databases or from non-Sage ERP Accpac programs.
Export requisitions to other Sage ERP Accpac databases or non-Sage ERP Accpac programs.
Requisitions are optional in Purchase Orders. You can enter purchase orders with or without requisition numbers.
If you use requisitions, Purchase Orders provides you with a requisition approval system to enforce purchase approvals. For more information, see requiring approval for requisitions.
You can make changes to requisitions and individual requisition detail lines until they are completed. When you post a purchase order that uses a requisition detail, the detail is completed, regardless of the quantity that was ordered.
Click these icons for information about using the buttons:
Use the Post button to post the requisition or the changes you have made to an existing requisition.
Use the History button to open the Purchase History form and check information about the items you have purchased from your vendors.
Click one of the links below for help on using the corresponding tab:
For help on particular tasks, choose one of the following topics:
Before you start
Assign or verify the length, prefix, and number for Purchase Orders to assign to the next new requisition you create, if you want to assign numbers automatically.
If you use Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator (a separate package), define any optional fields you want to add to the Requisition Entry Form (and the other transaction-entry forms).
Find out the numbers of requisitions you wish to edit or delete.
After using
Print copies of the requisitions you posted (if you did not print them individually after posting them).
Enter purchase orders for the requisitions.
See also