Change General Ledger Integration Options
You cannot change settings on the Integration tab of the G/L Integration form if other Purchase Orders forms are open, or other users are working with the Purchase Orders database.
Make sure that no other Purchase Orders forms are open for the company before you save changes to the G/L Integration form.
The Integration tab lets you change:
When P/O creates transactions for posting to the General Ledger.
You can choose to create transactions when Inventory Control costs inventory items or by using the Create G/L Batch form in Purchase Orders. (Inventory Costing options are set in the Inventory Control Options form.)
Note: This choice can have a large impact on the speed of processing inventory transactions and transactions in Purchase Orders. If you are costing inventory during posting, you may want to create transactions at a later date.
If you are not using Inventory Control, costing is handled in the Purchase Orders module.
Whether Purchase Orders adds new transactions to existing G/L batches or creates new batches (and, optionally, automatically posts the new batches).
Whether Purchase Orders consolidates G/L transactions to send less detail to the general ledger. (This choice can also limit drilldown from the general ledger.)
The codes attached to each transaction sent from Purchase Orders.
New source codes are automatically added to G/L, but you will have to update G/L source journal profiles to include transactions on source journals.
Any changes you make will apply only to general ledger transactions created after the change, and will not affect existing general ledger batches.
you start
Print the G/L Integration report from the Setup Reports folder so you have a record of your G/L Integration settings before you start.
If you want to change from using the Create G/L Batch form to produce your general ledger transactions to creating them during day-end processing, be sure to run Create G/L Batch to process any outstanding transactions first, to avoid accidentally omitting transactions from your general ledger batches.
To change General Ledger integration options:
Open Purchase Orders > P/O Setup > G/L Integration.
The Integration tab lets you change these options:
Click the Transaction tab to change the information that appears with G/L transactions for the G/L Detail Comment, G/L Detail Description, G/L Detail Reference, and G/L Entry Description.
The Entry grid lists each of the transactions produced by Purchase Orders, and displays the information that is currently included in G/L transactions produced from these P/O transactions.
Double-click the transaction description or transaction detail information that you want to change.
On the form that appears, highlight the information that you want to add to the transaction field, and use the Include and Exclude buttons to add or remove field information.
You can assign one or more pieces of information (segments) to each G/L transaction field, provided that the combined length of the segments and separators does not exceed 60 characters. Fields exceeding this limit will be truncated when you post the general ledger transactions.
Click Save to save the contents of the G/L transaction field.
Choose a different field to edit, or click Close to return to the Transaction tab.
Click Save to save changes to the G/L Integration form.
changing G/L Integration Options
Print the G/L Integration report from the Setup Reports folder to check that the settings were changed correctly.