Receipts Inquiry
This form lets you review items that are expected to arrive at particular locations within a given time period (for example, in the next 7 days) and whether there will be sufficient stock to cover sales orders.
Purchase Orders lets you search pending receipts by item number or by vendor, and also lets you view completed purchase orders to see if items were delivered within the expected arrival times.
The inquiry finds active, standing, future, blanket, or all purchase orders that are not on hold and that fit the selection criteria. You can limit the inquiry to specific locations.
To inquire on pending receipts:
Choose Pending Receipts Inquiry from the P/O Statistics and Inquiries folder.
Choose whether you want to inquire by item or by vendor, and then select the item number or vendor number for which you want to view details.
Select a range of locations, or skip the Location fields to display all locations.
In the PO Date fields, leave the From and To fields with the defaults to include all purchase orders, or specify a range of PO dates.
In the Expected Arrival Date fields, leave the From field blank to include all purchase orders with outstanding items, and enter the end date for the inquiry in the To field.
In the PO Type field, select from All, Active, Standing, Future, or Blanket purchase orders.
Choose Include Completed Detail Lines to see if items were delivered within the expected arrival times.
Choose Show Late POs Only to see incomplete detail lines that are past their expected arrival dates.
Click the Go button (
The program fills in the detail grid with PO line information that matches the select criteria that you specified:
Purchase Order Number
Item Number or Vendor Number
Item Description or Vendor Name
PO Type
PO Date
Quantity Ordered
Unit of Measure
Expected Arrival Date
Date Received
Days Late
To view more information for any PO line item — such as receipt quantities and days late — double-click the PO line on the detail grid, or select the line and click the Details button.
The program displays the following additional information for each receipt associated with the PO line:
Receipt Number
Contract, Project, Category (if job-related)
Quantity Ordered
Order Unit of Measure
Quantity Received
Receipt Unit of Measure
Date Received
Expected Arrival Date
Days Late