Entering Additional Costs on Receipts
When entering a receipt, you can add additional costs charged on the shipment, such as handling charges, service charges, and duty. You can expense costs or prorate them to received items.
You can also edit additional-cost amounts on previously posted receipts that are not yet fully invoiced. If you return items, you can specify how to reallocate costs that were prorated to the returned items on the receipt.
You enter additional cost details by vendor on the Additional Costs tab of the Receipt Entry form. You can include additional costs charged by the primary vendor, and you can include costs charged by other vendors. If you wish, you can post an invoice for each vendor's costs from the Receipt Entry form or you can enter the invoices in Invoice Entry.
Non-inventory items
If you are adding additional costs for non-inventory items, you must choose No Proration. If you choose to prorate by quantity, cost, or weight, the program will display an error message and prevent you from posting the receipt.
See also
Calculating prorated additional costs
Expensing job-related additional costs