The Finder lets you search the various lists of codes maintained in or used by Purchase Orders (such as vendor numbers, terms codes, and item numbers).
Color options let you highlight a field using color for the text or for the background.
The Search First option lets the user decide the starting point for the Finder: either to start in the Filter field or in the first line of the display.
Searches can be done on any field, including number fields.
The Field Name as Column Heading option lets users use field descriptions or internal field names as column headings.
The Columns option displays all the processing fields.
If the user does not have rights to view information, that information will not be displayed in the Finder.
The Finder is active only in fields that display the Finder icon.
You can use Auto Search option in the Finder to locate a record quickly in a long list. Select the Auto Search option and the criteria by which you want to search, for example the letters in a customer name. Then, in the space provided, begin typing the characters that start or are contained in the field you are searching on, until the program displays the record you need.
Note that the records that appear with the Finder are restricted by any selection criteria you have applied to this field. If you cannot find the record you are looking for with the Finder or the navigation buttons, check the Finder to see whether any criteria are being used to limit the selection. If necessary, remove the selection criteria.
Press the F1 key when the Finder appears for more information about using the Finder.