Receipt Entry -- Additional Cost Vendor Taxes popup

Sage ERP Accpac Purchase Orders 6.0

image\field_bt.gifReceipt Entry — Additional Cost Vendor Taxes Form

Use this form when entering additional costs for secondary vendors to:

  • Check tax information and calculations for the selected additional cost vendor.

  • Edit the tax class and tax-included options for the tax authorities.

To use the Additional Cost Vendor Taxes form

  1. On the Additional Costs tab, select the secondary vendor for which you need to review totals.

  2. Click the Vendor Taxes button on the Additional Costs tab.

  3. Make any changes you need to tax classes and the tax-included options.

  4. When you have finished, click the Close button to return to the Additional Costs tab.

To change tax information for a single additional cost detail, you use the Detail Costs/Taxes form. (On the Additional Costs tab, select the additional cost detail, then click the Cost/Tax button or press the F9 key.)

See also