Posting Receipts
When you post a receipt in Purchase Orders, item quantities on purchase order are reduced and quantities on hand are increased in Inventory Control.
If the receipt is job-related, Purchase Orders also updates the actual and committed quantities and costs for the job in Project and Job Costing.
If you specified a purchase order number on a receipt, posting also enters or updates outstanding and received quantities on detail lines in the purchase order, and completes purchase order detail lines that have been fully received or canceled. Posting also deletes purchase order details for which no quantity was received on the receipt, so that they do not appear on the receipt if you select it for editing after you have posted it. You should make sure you have entered all the received quantities you want to include on a receipt before you post it.
After posting a receipt, you cannot change additional cost information (except for the amounts) and you cannot delete detail lines — although you can change the quantity received and cost amounts, and you can add additional costs for the primary vendor on the invoice. In multicurrency ledgers, you cannot edit exchange rates.