Creating Purchase Orders Automatically
You can create purchase orders automatically, from current requisitions, from reorder quantities in Inventory Control, and from active sales orders in Order Entry.
Assigning purchase order numbers. When creating purchase orders automatically, the program assigns the purchase order numbers, using the length, prefix, and next number specified in the Options form. The program also selects Active as the purchase order type, posts the purchase orders, and increases quantities on purchase order in Inventory Control.
You can automatically create purchase orders only for active items, locations (if you use Inventory Control), and vendors. Inventory Control must also allow the items at all locations for which they are ordered, if you use that program.
After posting, the program displays the number of purchase orders that were created. You use the Purchase Orders choice in the Forms folder to print the new purchase orders. Use the Purchase Order Entry form to review and edit new purchase orders you create automatically.
Assigning entries for optional fields. You can specify entries for any optional fields that you use. All the new purchase orders will then have these entries in their optional fields, but you can change them if necessary.
See also