Print Returns
You can print returns until they are completed. Once they are completed, you can no longer print them and they will be deleted when you run Day End processing if you do not keep transaction history.
You can print a return immediately after posting it in the Return Entry form, or use the Returns form in the P/O Forms folder when you want to print several returns together.
you start
Find out which report file to use for printing returns.
If you are e-mailing returns to vendors:
Use the E-mail Messages form in the P/O Setup folder to create the e-mail message that you want to send to vendors.
Set the Delivery Method to E-mail or to Contact's E-mail for each vendor that you want to e-mail. You set the delivery method on the Processing tab of the vendor record in Accounts Payable.
If you are printing returns, check the print destination for forms and reports.
To print returns:
Open Purchase Orders > P/O Forms > Returns.
Fill in the fields as follows:
Use Return. Choose the report format that you want to use for printing returns.
You can accept the default return report form that appears or click the Browse button to select a different one. (P/O displays the form that you used previously for returns.)
Sage ERP Accpac ships with two standard forms.
PORET01.RPT — for printing on blank paper.
PORET02.RPT — for printing on preprinted forms.
From Return Number/To Return Number. Specify the range of returns that you want to print.
Delivery Method. Choose how you want to send the return to your vendor.
Select Print Destination to print to your usual print destination.
Select Vendor to use the delivery method specified in each vendor record in the Accounts Payable program (such as e-mail).
If you choose Vendor as the delivery method, select the ID for the e-mail message you want to send with returns for vendors that use e-mail as the delivery method.
To view or edit the message for the selected ID, or to add a new e-mail message for returns, click the Zoom button for the Message ID field.
Include Returns Already Printed. Choose whether to print new copies of returns that you printed before.
Print Serial/Lot Numbers. Choose to print the serial and/or lot numbers of any serialized or lotted items returned.
Require Mailing Labels. Choose whether to print the number of labels on the Return Totals tab for each return (select the Require Mailing Labels option) or only one label per return (do not select the option).
Use Custom Form. Do not select the Custom Form option unless you are using a customized return form that requires it. (This option is for custom forms that do not use the report selection criteria sent by this print window.)
Click Print.
If you are printing returns on a printer, you can click the Align button to print a sample copy to check that the information prints in the right places on a preprinted PO form.
Purchase Orders ships with sample forms that you may be able to use with your laser or ink-jet printer "as is" or adapt to print on forms that you already use for requisitions,purchase orders,receiving slips,returns, and mailing labels.