Processing Receipts — General information
For receipt transactions, you enter information in the Receipts form as follows:
Receipt Number (a unique number, up to 24 characters in length, to distinguish the transaction from other receipts for audit control purposes)
Press the Tab key to accept a program-generated number.
Description (add any information you want about the receipt; optional).
Reference (for example, an invoice number; optional).
Date (the transaction date).
Year and Period (to which you want to post the general ledger transaction).
Vendor Number (the number you use to identify the supplier; optional).
If you use Accounts Payable, you can select the vendor number from the Finder.
PO Number (the number of the purchase order being filled by the receipt; optional).
Receipt currency and exchange rate (multicurrency ledgers)
Prorate/Leave Additional Cost (on returns)
Additional Cost Currency (appears only with multicurrency ledgers)
Additional Cost (the total of all additional receipt costs).
Total Cost (receipts)
Total Extended Cost (receipts)
Total Return Cost (returns)
Item Detail information
Item number and description
Quantity received
Unit of measure
Extended cost
Number of labels
Quantity returned
Return cost (if a return)
Manufacturers' item number
Optional fields