Ship Goods to Customers
you start
Determine the shipment numbers to use for new shipments or have the program allocate numbers for you automatically.
Decide whether to post each new shipment as you enter it, or save the shipments to post them later in a batch using the Post Transactions form.
Find out the numbers of the shipments to which you wish to post returns.
Multicurrency ledgers
If you have a multicurrency system, you specify the shipment currency when you enter the shipment.
To add shipments of inventory in the Inventory Control module:
Open Inventory Control > I/C Transactions > Shipments.
Click here for help on shipment fields.
Note: If you are shipping an order that was entered in the Order Entry module, you should process the shipment in O/E.
Press the Tab key — with *** NEW *** displayed — to start a new shipment. The program will automatically assign a document number when you save or post the transaction.
Click the New button if ***NEW*** doesn't appear.
You can also enter a new transaction number yourself, and press Tab.
Choose Shipment as the Entry Type.
Enter the Ship Date and Year/Period of the transaction.
Inventory Control automatically displays the logon date, and the fiscal year and period that are associated with the date in Accpac's fiscal calendar.
Enter an optional description and reference for the shipment.
If the shipment is to an existing A/R customer, enter the customer number. If you use Sage ERP Accpac Accounts Receivable with Inventory Control, you can select customer numbers from the Finder beside the Customer Number field.
If you didn't specify an existing customer, enter a contact name (and other relevant information, such as a phone number).
Choose a default price list for this shipment. (You can change the price list on individual detail lines.) The program automatically selects the default price list for the customer.
Click the Zoom button (
) by the Optional Fields checkbox to add optional field information to this shipment.
If you use multicurrency accounting, specify the currency in which you will enter item prices, and specify the exchange rate. Click the Zoom button (
) to change exchange rate information.
For each item on the shipment, type or use the Finder to enter the item number, location, quantity, and unit of measure for each item that you are shipping. If working with serialized and/or lotted items, you will be prompted to assign serial/lot numbers to items after specifying a quantity.
Click the Detail button to view all detail fields on a single entry form.
Enter the unit price or the extended price if it is different from the price displayed by the program.
If necessary, enter comments, optional fields, and WIP account information for job-related shipments.
Press the Insert key on your keyboard to start a new line. Repeat steps 11 through 13 for each additional line you want to add to the shipment.
When you are ready, click Save or Post.
If you choose Save, Inventory Control saves the transaction so you can edit and post it later.
If you choose Post, Inventory Control posts the shipment immediately.
If you use the option to allow you to delete transactions after posting, Inventory Control asks if you want to delete the transaction.
If you delete the posted transaction, you will not be able to drill down to the transaction details from General Ledger.
Note the shipment number, and click OK at the confirmation message.
If you used the Save button to save transactions (instead of immediately Posting transactions):
Print the Transaction Listing report to list all transactions that you entered.
Compare listings to original documents and edit transactions if necessary.
Use the Post Transactions form to post transactions and update inventory quantities and costs (depending on the Setup Options that you choose).
Run Day End Processing to update Inventory Control's audit data, costing data (unless you cost items during posting), and item statistics after posting shipments and shipment returns.
Print the Shipments Posting Journal to check the shipments and shipment returns that you posted.