Prorate/Leave Additional Cost

Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control 6.0

Prorate/Leave Additional Cost

For receipt returns, specifies whether the additional cost assigned to the goods being returned is prorated to the remaining goods on the receipt.

This field appears only when you are entering receipt returns. You can set the default to Prorate or to Leave on the Processing tab in the Options form.

Select the Prorate option to have the program prorate the additional cost to the remaining goods on the receipt when you post the receipt return then run day-end processing.

Select the Leave option if you do not want the program to prorate the additional cost to the remaining goods on the receipt. You may then want to use the Adjustments form to write off the additional cost to a general ledger write-off account.

If you return all of the items on a receipt, you must use the Adjustments form if you want to write off the additional cost from the receipt to a general ledger write-off account.

To determine the additional cost amount assigned to items on receipts, print the Receipts Posting Journal.