Lot Number Inquiry

Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control 6.0

Lot Number Inquiry

The I/C Lot Numbers Inquiry form is available if you have a license to use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking.

You use this form to inquire on lot numbers using parameters, such as item number, location, stock date and status. The initial inquiry provides summary results, but you can get further details by looking at source documents. You can also get a list of transactions involving specific lot numbers, and print a Serial/Lot List report using this form.

To use the Lot Number Inquiry form:

  1. Open I/C Statistics and Inquiries > Lot Number Inquiry.

  2. Use the Lot Number From and To fields to select a range of lot numbers.

  3. Select one or more items using the Item Number From and To fields.

  4. Select one or more locations.

  5. Select a date range using the Stock Date From and To fields.

Note: When selecting a range, make sure the starting value is smaller than the ending value. For example, select location 1 to 2, not the other way around. Otherwise an error message appears prompting you to change your selections.

  1. Make a selection from the Status list. You can inquire on Available numbers, Unavailable numbers, or Both.

  2. Click the Go button to perform the inquiry and display summary results in the details grid.

  3. Make a selection in the grid and click Transactions to display the Lot Number Transaction Inquiry form, where a list of transactions appear involving the selected number. You can drill down to the source document of a specific transaction by selecting it in the grid and clicking Details.

  4. Make a selection in the grid and click Details to display the I/C Lot Numbers form, where a list of lot number attributes appear (Item Number, Location, Total Cost, Status Stock and Expiry Dates). You can also edit the Contract Code and add Optional Fields where required. You can display the I/C Items and Lot Number Transaction Inquiry forms from the I/C Lot Numbers form by clicking Items and Transactions, respectively.

  5. Click Print from the Lot Number Inquiry form to open the I/C Serial/Lot List Report form.

Note: While you are able to enter fractional quantities into lots, the database may round the amount up or down to the nearest whole number, which can result in discrepancies when reporting lot amounts and costs in the Lot Number Inquiry and I/C Lot Numbers forms.

Click here for hints on using forms.