Serial/Lot Stock Listing Report
The Serial/Lot Stock Listing report is available if you have a license to use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking.
This report generates a list of either lot or serial numbers that are categorized as sold, reserved or expired. Serials have an additional option that lists the serial numbers that have been sold that have registered warranties. You can sort this report by item number, customer number or location.
To print the Serial/Lot Stock Listing report:
Open I/C Stock Control Reports > Serial/Lot Stock Listing.
Use the Print list to specify what you want to base the report on, Lot Numbers or Serial Numbers.
Select a Report Type.
Lot Numbers have three report types: Sold Stock, Reserved Stock, or Expired Stock.
Serial numbers have an additional type: Registered Stock.
Use the Date From and To fields to define the date range for the report.
Use the Location From and To fields to specify a range of locations to include on the report.
Use the Item Number From and To fields to specify a range of items to include on the report.
Use the Number From and To fields to specify a range of serial numbers or lot numbers, or accept the default selections to include all the numbers on the report.
Use the Customer Number From and To fields to specify a range of customers to include on the report.
In the Sort By list, specify whether to sort the report by item number, customer number, or location.
Click Print.
See also