Use this form to:
Enter and post new receipts of items.
Enter returns and adjustments to incomplete receipts you posted previously.
Change the status of incomplete receipts to Complete.
Import receipt transactions from other Sage ERP Accpac databases or from non-Sage ERP Accpac programs.
Assign serial and/or lot numbers if you have the Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking license installed.
Multicurrency ledgers
If you have a multicurrency system, you specify the receipt currency and the currency to use for any additional costs when you enter the receipt. The additional cost currency must be the same as either the receipt currency or your company's functional (home) currency.
Before you start
Determine the receipt numbers to use for new receipts or have the program allocate numbers for you automatically.
Decide whether to post each new receipt as you enter it, or save the receipts to post them later in a batch using the Post Transactions form.
Find out the numbers of the receipts to which you wish to post returns and adjustments. Note that you can post returns and adjustments only to incomplete receipts. Once a receipt is complete, you can make changes to it only by using the Adjustments form.
Using the Receipts form
After using
Run Day End Processing to update Inventory Control's audit data, costing data (unless you cost items during posting), and item statistics after posting receipts, receipt returns, and receipt adjustments.
Print the Receipts Posting Journal to check the receipts, receipt returns, and receipt adjustments you posted.
Click the Field List button at the top of this topic for information about fields on the Receipts form.
Click here for hints on using forms.
See also