2 18 4 Save Results of Search as List

Visual LANSA

2.18.4 Save Results of Search as List

You can save the results of a search to a list. Here fields starting with A* are searched.


And the results are shown in Find Results:

When you click Save results, the Save Results dialog will open so that you can specify the details of the new list:


Specify the

List Name

The name of this list.


You can create subgroups in the list by specifying a grouping


Refer to 2.18.1 List Types for details of this entry.

Stored as

Repository lists are available for any user accessing the same Repository, a user list is specific for the user and the computer on which it is created.

Add to Favorites

ü  Select this option if you wish it to be added to the Favorites tab.

Replace list

ü  Select this option if you want to replace an existing list with this list's contents.


Press OK to create the list.


Ý 2.18 Lists