1.2 How Do I Get Started?
If you are a new LANSA developer, an excellent starting point is the Visual LANSA Tutorials and then the more advanced Visual LANSA Windows Applications Tutorials.
The LANSA Tutorials provide training for a variety of development topics. You will find training for all LANSA products in the online tutorials which are normally within the online Guide for the product.
Your first step in using Visual LANSA should be reviewing the 1.3 Before You Begin Checklist. This checklist identifies some of the items that you need to know about your Visual LANSA System.
Once you log on to Visual LANSA, you will be able to review the LANSA Repository. To learn about the LANSA repository, review the 1.4 How Do I Populate the Repository?
If you are an existing LANSA User, you may wish to review the list of new features in What's New?
Also See
VUI001 - Starting Visual LANSA in the Visual LANSA Fundamentals Tutorials
Getting Started with LANSA Development in the
Ý 1. Getting Started with Visual LANSA