5.5.2 As Client to RDML IBM i Server
Use this facility to execute a LANSA application in client/server mode with support for RDML only. This means that all your RDML level database access requests will be automatically re-routed into your remote server database.
Technical Note 1: Your application will not know that a remote database is being used. If your application has been designed so that it is capable of connecting and disconnecting itself from the server database, you should NOT start it via this interface. Use the Execute a process on the workstation facility instead.
Technical Note 2: Special provisions apply to running batch style applications from this interface. Refer to the documentation of the CONNECT_FILE built-in function before attempting to run batch style programs that contain SELECT-UPDATE WITH_RRN()-ENDSELECT or SELECT-DELETE WITH_RRN()-ENDSELECT loops.
Also See