ReplayManager Fields

Ultimate Replay

ReplayManager Fields

The ReplayManager type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public field endReplayAfterPlayback
When true, the replay manager will automatically restore the previous game state after playback has finished. When false, playback will continue to loop forever until a suitable stop or pause command is issued manually.
Public field Static member OnReplayDestroy
Called by the replay system whenever it needs to destroy a game object in order to restore a previous scene state. You can add a listener to override the default behaviour which can be useful if you want to handle the destruction manually for purposes such as object pooling.
Public field Static member OnReplayInstantiate
Called by the replay system whenever it needs to instantiate a prefab for use during playback. You can add a listener to override the default behaviour which can be useful if you want to handle the instantiation manually for purposes such as object pooling.
Public field prefabs
A collection of prefabs that may be spawned or destroyed during recording and as a result amy need to be spawned or destroyed in order to accuratley recreate the replay.
Public field recordFPS
The target record framerate of the sampler. The higher this value the higher the memory consumption and cpu usage will be. You will need to fine tune this value to tradeoff performance or memory usage for replay accuracy.
Public field recordOnStart
When true, the manager will automatically begin recording the scene one it is initialized.
See Also